As you can probably guess, we are super excited about our new website. There is so much going on with the site that we are trying to break up some of the “features” into small chunks.
Now, to talk about our videos. We love our videos!
We’re really happy with the way they turned out and how they finally express the heart of our office, the staff, our treatment, and how much we really care about our patients. We finally feel like we have something now that shows what it’s like to be treated at Advance Orthodontics. No gimmicks – this is really us!
The videos are a huge part of showing off what we truly believe here at Advance Ortho
The videos are spread out through the website so it’s likely that you haven’t seen them all. We thought it would be a good idea to go ahead and do a few blog posts showing them off and putting them all in one place for you all to see.
So here are the first half of videos! Stay tuned for the full set in a few days!
We’ve also added several videos throughout the site. Below is one of our favorites. We can’t wait to share all the little details of the website over the next few weeks.