One thing that was very clear to us here at Advance Orthodontics is that Columbia it blessed with some amazing educators. We really do have some special teachers out there. We had so many submissions from you guys over these last few weeks that it took us a long time to pick the winner. Sorting through those emails was hard work!
To the winner: We sincerely want to thank you so much for what you do. You are making a difference in this world and we hope you feel appreciated. Our children thank you. We thank you. You are appreciated!
So without further delay, here is the winner!
Scott Wright; Hickman High School
Nominated By: Mary P.
Scott Wright teaches a challenging class on Human Geography. He makes the world come alive to his students through his lectures, fixing them chai tea with his own spices, introducing the students to music of different genres as they study and encouraging their curiosity about the world. When he learned that several students were interested in classical French fencing he started a fencing club after school.
Scott Wright is kind, caring and devoted to his students’ success and wiling to meet before or after school for additional support. He opens a door to the world for Columbia students and through his teaching presents his students with a wonderful example of kindness, curiosity, and generosity.